Saturday, September 28, 2013

Project 02_Phase 02 & 03 (part 2)

Homework due by Monday class on Sept 30, 2013.

1. Clean and simple MDF site model at 1/16"=1'-0".

2. At least five bubble diagram. Free-hand sketch on tracing paper. Do not use pencil (color pencil not recommended either), please. Instead, draw confidently with markers, pen, or other ink based media - I mean, start train yourself to draw and think like an architect. The purpose of five bubble diagrams is to see your thinking development process through changing back and forth in your bubble diagram and eventually stick to one for creating a  floor plan.

3. Floor plan drawing (schematic stage) - use single lines for walls. Computer drafting, and print out on 1/16"=1'-0" scale on 8.5x11" or 11x17" paper. The square footage of the spaces should be precisely calculated according to the program of the project (10% difference from assigned square footage is allowed). Label the spaces. This floor plan should be generated from one of the bubble diagrams from homework 2.

4. A computer diagram of "how the SOUND or RHYTHM (or PERSONALITY) of your music instrument inspire you in design?" This could be 2d or 3d diagram. I suggest you sketch on paper first, and then translate into computer drawing. Print out on 8.5x11" paper. You are allowed to use color or some other creative methods. Please do not spend too much time on this diagram (not too little either, of course. I say, between 1 hr to 1.5 hrs).

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