Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013
- By the beginning of the class:
A diagram about "How the GEOMETRY (SOLID/VOID) of your music instrument inspires you in design?" This diagram should be 3d. Especially, please show how it influences the solid/void of the form of the exhibition facility that you are designing, if there is any connection.
- By the end of the class:
Please print out your floor plan and two sections drawings (one long-side cut and one short-side cut) at 1/16"=1'-0" scare on 8.5x11" paper. There drawings should be accurate and standard (how to drawing walls, doors, windows, steps, ramps, and floors that are cut in section drawings etc. and LINE-WEIGHTS). Please leave the walls/floors hollow, which means do not use solid black color to fill the cut walls or floors. In the long-side cut section drawing, please also show the elevation change of the site (please see the example below). Do not forget to put north arrow and section-cut symbols in the floor plan.
Friday, Oct. 4, 2013
- By the beginning of the class
Massing physical model at 1/16"=1'-0" scale. Material is mainly white museum board or white foam board, and you can also use wood sticks or MDF sticks for linear elements. You are encouraged to make more than one massing model to show your thinking process or to explore different options. Test your model and see how it looks on your site model. No interior details or details on the facade are required for this model. It is critical to show the openings/closeness and solid/void in your building.