Sunday, October 27, 2013

Project 03_Phase 02: Site Analysis and Section Manipulation (part 1)

Homework due on Wed Oct. 30, 2013

1. Photo collage of the urban context of the site. You are required to produce 5 sets of photo collages: Elevation 1, 2, 3 & 4, as well as a panorama. Please see the instruction below. In these photo collages, you are required to show street and river view, transportation, people's activities (with human figures), etc. Our proposed building can just be a white box for now. Please use the Riverwalk in San Antonio of Texas as a reference, but it does not have to be real San Antonio Riverwalk. You get to choose your surrounding facility types.

Here are some examples of photo collage of street view elevation and panorama.

2. Print out "site section 01" at 1/16"=1'-0" scale. Use tracing paper to produce 3 versions of conceptual longitude section drawings, with one more conservative and orthogonal, one more creative and dynamic, and one in between. For each section concept, please also come up with 3 elevation design (south, west and east elevations) for the facade facing the streets. So in total, 3 sections and 9 elevation conceptual drawings at 1/16"=1'-0" scale on tracing paper (pen or marker only). Please apply the spatial concepts into the section design.

The following are some examples of conceptual models focusing on sections.

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