Monday, October 21, 2013

Project 03_Phase 01: Concept Assessment (part 1)

Homework due on Wednesday

1. The booklet for project 02. Please use the template of the cover page and dividing page that I have sent to you.

2. Find ten images relating to your instrument. The first five images should reflect obvious/straightforward information about your instrument. It could be photo, painting, graphic design poster, or some other forms. Each of these five images should cover different aspect of the information of the instrument, be it the posture that people hold it when playing, the cultural originality, historic background, shape and geometry, how a group of people react to the performance of the instrument, etc. The other five images should be five abstract paintings that, in your mind, reflect the personality of the instrument. Please focus on the color/brush strokes/mood/dynamic/energy of these paintings, and examine how they remind you of your instrument. Please make sure to use high resolution images, and note "courtesy of..." to each image.

Print out these 10 images in color on 8.5x11 paper separately (center the image and make it take up the whole page). On top of these images, I want you to overlay at least one layer of tracing paper and draw/trace/highlight the specific information that make you choose this image, or how you think it will help you with your museum design. It is important, because different people have different perception about the same thing - but to YOU, what do you see in this particular image. You can add information while you draw on the tracing paper and you can do other manipulations. The final result should be in markers or pen (NO PENCIL OR COLOR PENCIL). Multiple layers of tracing paper on each image is highly encouraged. Carefully cut the tracing paper the same size as your print outs. Pin the ten sets of images/drawing on your wall area.

3. For those to whom I gave extra graphic practice, the exercise is due on Wednesday as well. Print out on 11x17 paper in color.

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