Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Project 03_Phase 04: Section and Elevation (part 2)

Homework due on Friday, Nov 15.

1. Please start thinking about the color palette you are going to use for your final board. Remember, do not use more than 4 colors, according to the "Checklist", not including neutral colors (black, white, grey). To get more variation on the colors, you can play with opacity on the colors that you have chosen to use.

2. Finalized floor plan (each floor), sections (2) and elevations (3), all at 1/8"=1'-0" scale on 11x17 paper. Make sure to include all the details, such as the arrows on stair cases and hand-rails. For other requirements, please refer to the "Checklist". If you are going to apply color to any of these drawings, please stay within the chosen color palette.

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